Opinions please

Fin Mike

New member
I need some opinions concerning my Red PE's. I have several types of Zoo's and Palys in my tank. All are doing great and growing/ multiplying, except my red people eaters. I had a small frag (four original polyps) which was doing great and started to sprout new buds, but as of today, I have two left, and one out of the two looks like it is about to take the eternal dirt nap. I also have a large colony (about 20+ polyps) that is also starting to take a dive. I examined them after the lights went out, and it seems that there is a small film of algae (by film I mean small green algae barely covering the bottom and sides of the polyps, and definitely not hair algae) growing on the ones that have ceased to open up. The ones that still open up do not have this algae growing on them. It is my contention that the reason that the algae is growing on them is because they are not opening up. Has anyone else had this problem (I admit it's a rhetorical question). If so, then what did you do to reverse it.

Let me state now, that I consider myself to be an advanced hobbyist, and ALL parameters are in order, however, my pH did drop between 8.0 and 8.2 which I have now fixed. Also, another important fact is that this colony and the frag I mentioned above were doing quite well in a year old 55 gal tank. I recently moved them into a 120 that has been set up since Thanksgiving.

Every other thing in my 120 is doing great. I have 0 nitrates, 0 phosphates, and I don't know about silicates because I don't have that test kit. Any ideas? If the RPE's are sucking wind, then why are all my other zoos/ palys doing so well? I have them (the big colony) glued to a rock at the bottom of the tank under 7 t-5s driven off of Ice Cap ballasts. They receive pretty good flow too.

I was considering moving them to the top of the tank where they would get more light and more flow. I was also going to do a water change tomorrow because that is always a good idea when all other ideas have run out. Suggestions please. I would hate to lose these guys. Thanks for your comments/ questions in advance.
I recently had some problems with my zoas. I top off with kalk and with the weather we have been having the ATO was dumping tons into the tank. My dkh was 11 and normally it hangs between 7-8. After getting it back down things seem to be looking much better. Not that 11 is out of the ballpark, but it's higher than they are used to. One other thing, I almost lost my RH to a tiny frag of acans. I thought the frag was too small and it couldnt reach the RH. After I thought I had lost about all of them one night after lights out I saw the acan tickling them with it's feeders. Just an idea to look into if you have LPS nearby.
Nothing except other zoos are near by. It is definitely the film of algae I had referred to. I just need to know how to reverse/ get rid of it. When your nitrate is zero as well as your phosphate, what else are you going to do to get rid of the algae.:confused: I was thinking about taking the colony for a swim in a bowl of Revive, but I'm but I not sure this will do anything. Uhggg
When your nitrate is zero as well as your phosphate, what else are you going to do to get rid of the algae.
Nitrates and phosphates can measure zero if your algae is using it all. :)

The other component is light. Decrease the photo period or even go dark for three days to knock it back.

perhaps can try place it somewhere with more flow? Also, i think Red PE likes strong

I'm pretty sure your right. The frag that I had mentioned that has almost melted has been at the top of the tank and has a k-3 pointed at it. This has helped me in the past, but not this time I guess. As for the colony, this is my next step. RPE's definitely like heavy flow and lots of light. I don't think the frag and the colony are suffering from the same problem though. The frag has something attacking it. I'm not sure what it is, but the walls of the polyp look almost black. I'm just going to consider them a lose:mad:, but what are you going to do. As for the colony, they are going swimming in Revive tonight, and getting sent to the top of the tank. I haven't put them up there yet because I was concerned that whatever is causing problems for the frag might move to the colony.

Keep the opinions coming though. Maybe there is something I'm not thinking of, or am just plain ignorant of. Either way, any suggestions that make the wheels turn are always good. Thanks again all.
Nitrates and phosphates can measure zero if your algae is using it all. :)

The other component is light. Decrease the photo period or even go dark for three days to knock it back.


Jeff, I definitely agree. I have a refugium full of cheato and some other brown macro algae. I would suspect that they are munching the available nutrients and that is why I am coming up zeros. I just wonder why this algae (film) is growing on them and not on all the other Palys/zoos. It has to be because they are not opening up. Maybe they are not opening up because the flow is too low. Who knows. One could go crazy trying to figure this out.
Mike have you tried brushing the film off with a very soft tooth brush?

Yes I have, and it doesn't seem to take anything off. I am specifically referring to the frag at this moment. The main colony is suffering from something different, but now that I am reading the thread that you provided, it looks as if I am definitely not the only one suffering from this malady. BTW, thank you very much for posting that link. I really appreciate it.

I feel like I might be confusing the issue. My RPE frag has suffered since I moved it to my new 120. It shows all the signs of the malady/ fungus/ bacterial infection that the fellow reefers talk about in that link. It is a very interest link and I am trying to find the commonality in every ones experience. I must admit that I'm not finished reading it all, but you can be assured I will give it a thorough examination.

The frag originally had six polyps since I moved it into the 120. Three out of the six have melted, but the other 3 where doing fine. Interestingly enough, once the three melted completely, the fourth that was doing good hasn't opened up in two days, and shows all the signs of the original three. Hummm... In regards to the last two, one is a mother polyp and the second is a new one that grew while in the 55. The mother polyp looks good and robust, but the new growth looks terrible. So what gives.

I feel like I'm getting long winded, and I don't want to bore anyone, but this seems to be a serious problem that almost always leads in one direction. It's a shame.

As for the colony, my plan of attack is to do the water change tomorrow (about 20%), move it to the top of the tank, and hit it with the k-3 and the other three k-evos 1050 I have on a wave maker. I will let everybody know how it goes. Again I appreciate every ones input.

Try moving it to the bottom in low light and flow. My PE and Hornets do alot better in low flow and low light. As far as the aglea, I would change 20% for 4 or 5 days in a row. Hope this helps.