opinions wanted

Hey gang,
I am just wanting to get some opinions here.
I sold a tank to a gentleman from this board. When he arrived he did not have nearly enough capacity to carry all of the water (24 gallons). I had (key word had) a 15 gallon water tight container. I offered to let him borrow it with the understanding that he would return it, he agreed and told me that he would bring it by the next day. The type of container had a nice lid with seal that locked down and I did not have to worry about water spilling out.
I sent the guy an email requesting its return, no answer.

My question to the board is, "am I being petty with this?"

This just rubbed me the wrong way and next time I am going to be apprehensive about "loaning" anything to anyone. In the past when I have borrowed something from a fellow reefer, I have always returned it. Common courtesy.

Please don't flame me. Just curious.
Hi Kevin,

I don't think you are being petty at all. You did the guy a tremendous favor by loaning him a water tight container which I am pretty sure you did not want to part with otherwise you would have sold it. Hopefully he got distracted or delayed and still has the intention of returning the container. If he has no intention of returning the container it makes all of us fellow reefers suffer because we become wary of lending when we are supposed to be, and want to be, as helpful as possible.

BTW how's the tank coming.
Hey fran,
tank is coming along nicely. I need to find a sump for it. I did a freshwater leak check of all the plumbing and made sure that there weren't any stray leaks (new tank).
I am hoping to find a sump by the end of the week and get some salt water in the tank this weekend.
I am not a patient person ;(
Thanks for your input.
Hey all,
My faith in fellow reefers has been restored. The gentleman that borrowed this item from me had some personal issues going on. He has since returned the item with a sincere apology.
Just wanted to let you all know that reefers are good peeps.