ora neon green pocci frags fs


New member
got a bunch most are big smaller ones $10 big ones $20 just want them out of my tank. they spawn like crazy. if you need pics let me know. pm is key.
I got a tiny little piece of the shades of fall forever ago. I like it alot. Hasn't grown much, mainly encrusting still, but the coloring is pretty sweet. Good guy to deal with.
ok sorry been busy as heck I am going to try to snap some pics today, I just cut some frags

(1) (acropora loisettae) Teal stag - $15
(2) unknown green table from rocky mountain frags $15 ea.
(2) Pink sandollar monti Larger one $15 smaller one $ 7.50
(3) Large Ora neon Green pocci frags $20 ea.
(5) Smaller ( but still pretty big )ORA green pocci frags $10 ea.
(1) Peach millie from smcooler he said it was a Rommels Watermelon but its not. $10
(3) Atlantis Shades of fall originally purchased from mheaven $20 ea.