
New member
I pick this ora frag at the LFS yesterday the tips are a real deep blue in the pic its not showing up to well. Not sure what kind it is.

<img src="http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i39/reeftank03/newcoral002.jpg"><br><br>
<img src="http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i39/reeftank03/newcoral009.jpg"><br><br>
Thanks Whisperer you would not know if it is one of there fast growers do you i also pick up a ORA Stuber Staghorn.
I am not even 100% sure it is indeed A.plana. I happen to acquire a small colony recently and yours look very similar. Mine starts to show luminous green in the inner branches but has not colored up on the tips yet. I would have no idea if they are fast grower. Maybe someone who owns one longer can chime in. Maybe it's not even a plana for all I know.
Looks like a tenuis, which would make it a Roscoes, I believe..not sure which other ORA corals are tenuis though...
You guys are kidding me right. If that is an Ora, Look at the color and shape. Its the Miami orchid. Ruscoes is dark. Tenuis is dark. I dont even think they have an A. Plana.
its not a miami orchid I have a 5" colony of it and thats not it
I still think its a tenuis
Ok, and who says no one buys the same thing by accident. Take a closer look. WHich one does it look like to you.


the first and last pictures polpys are differnet look closely. The last 2 are tenius and the first one might be an orchid.

Tenius don't have the round tips for the polpys; but an orchid does have round polyps tips.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10301320#post10301320 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by undertai
the first and last pictures polpys are differnet look closely. The last 2 are tenius and the first one might be an orchid.

Tenius don't have the round tips for the polpys; but an orchid does have round polyps tips.

agree the last two are Tenius you can tell from the tips color doesn't mean anything as you don't know how that frag was shipped, if its stressed and hasn't colored up yet.
oh corallites is the word? I couldn't remember the word for anything so I used the advanced word round tips. LOL :)
I agree that the coralites are all wrong for it to be the Miami orchid.