Order finally here.


New member
Last month, I submitted an order for some livestock which included a peacock mantis which was available at the time. Got a phone call the next evening noting that the mantis did not look healthy, and I would either need to wait or they could substitute. After a little go around with the gentleman, we concluded that I would wait and they would hope to get more mantis in soon.

A few days ticked by and I got a phone call that their supply shipment was held up or lost overseas, so still no mantis. More days went by and they didn't get any mantis in. The saga continued for a few weeks at which point they stopped calling and just updated the shipment date every two days. I voiced my concerns that they held my entire order because one item was unavailable and the fact that they had free shipping deals since my order, so it would have evened out if they just shipped my other stuff and sent me a mantis when they got one. No real reply to my concern.

Being tired of waiting and unsure when I would see my order, I went in last night and adjusted the order. Dropped the mantis and decided to get a pistol and a goby along with the other goods. A mantis will be procured later. BZA packed the order last night and sent it out, and they eased my woes in the final order anyway.

I received the shipment late this morning and unboxed everything. Here is their current status as they are acclimated.

Yellow Watchman Goby
A little bigger than expected. And not very yellow at the moment - may be because of stress though. We'll see. Looks healthy otherwise.

Six Line Wrasse
Beautiful, but swimming a bit erratic at the moment. Hopefully it will be okay.

Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp
Very little guy. Nice red lines. No yellow, but hopefully that will show up later. Looks healthy.

Turbo Snails
Was hoping for some smaller ones, but they are huge. Oh well. They look good nonetheless.

Ninja Stars
Nice size and already moving about.

Royal Urchin
Nice size. Nice looking little thing.

The acclimation kit is a great addition and the packing was well done. Other than the extensive delay due to the mantis, and the questionable health of the six line, I am a happy camper.

Yellow Watchman Goby
Looks healthy. Still not yellow, but I've read it is normal with stress, so I'll give it a few days.

Six Line Wrasse
Not sure it is going to make it. I acclimated it, and put it in a tank. It continues to swim erratically. Now it is turning upside down at times. Any recommendations?

Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp
Where is it? :-) It dug a hole somewhere, but has not come out yet. So I'll keep an eye out for it.

Turbo Snails
They are on the move munching away.

Ninja Stars
Not so active today, but they are latched on.

Royal Urchin
Catching everything it can on its back. Moving about well. Looks great.
Good news for now...

Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow color is very striking with its jeweled spots.

Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp
I finally found it. Or shall I say, it found the Goby. They have paired up, and are building their burrow this morning. I'm very pleased.

Six Line Wrasse
While it still seems to have a few issues swimming, I think the issue may have been the wrasse holding eggs. Its stomach was swollen since I got it, but looks thinner today. And this is the first day it has acted "normal" for the most part. So maybe it unloaded the eggs and is good to go. Or maybe it was sick and the issue has alleviated. Looks promising.

Turbo Snails
Most seem fine, but a couple are motionless. But they still have a grip on stuff, so maybe they are resting. :-)

Ninja Stars
Only a couple are active. The others are motionless.

Royal Urchin
Still doing great.

Overall, I'm happy with the purchase, and glad the wrasse is doing better after a bit of care and patience.