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Hi guys,
Now I know there’s not much interest in ORP but I got a multi tester today , ph , orp, ec, salinity , temp

Orp was 84
Ph 8.3
Temp 25.5
Salinity 1.026

I don’t know what ec is for

Is that a normal reading for home reefs?
pH (acidity and alkalinity), EC (electrical conductivity), TDS (total dissolved solids), salinity, S.G (specific gravity), ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) and temperature.
ORP can vary a lot. It is more useful to watch how it's trending than what the actual value is. If you stir up dirt in your tank it can go down 100 points. If your sulfur reactor goes wonky it can go from 400 to -49.
I use ozone and use orp to regulate how much is dosed.
Well maintained mature tanks trend to 400. Average tanks probably run between 130-300.
What does it mean? That's complicated.
I think measuring ORP can be useful. If I remember correctly though ORP probes take a while to settle in and need cleaning and calibration often.

Ozone used to be popular in the hobby but has been out of favor for a while.
Ozone is a oxidizer or disinfectant like peroxide or bleach.
It can be dangerous to the tank and humans if not run correctly. It can be hard on equipment it comes in contact with too.
I ran ozone a few times and ran one of the original Sanders ozonators.
It is one of those things that people feel there are benefits and downsides. Since it is a oxidizer it does not just oxidize those thing we do not want.
Ozone is run best through a ozone reactor but I would say most run it through their skimmer.
Ozone generators always required allot of maintenance too. Not sure about the newer ones. A air dryer helps.

If I were to ever do it again I would run it intermittently just for clearer water. Maybe set it to turn on if orp dropped extremely because something died or bloomed.

When I ran it the only difference I saw was higher orp and clear water. Not much else changed in the aquarium. To me it was another thing to go wrong, more maintenance and more money but I can see the benefits.

I am kind of neutral on them.
Arrived , how much time should I run it ( 1000mg/h)


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I haven’t used an ozonizer since the early 90s. But, I ran mine through the lime wood airstone driven skimmer and had the effluent go through carbon before going back in the sump.

I’m sure there’s a fancier way to to it these days🤣😂
Pinching the tubing will probably cause the generator to burn out.
The generator is designed to have a fixed air flow through it. That cools it internally. You run the generator intermittently to get the dose. That is how a Milwaukee controller does it.
I use one of these that reads the ORP of the water coming from the reactor and a second ORP probe to read the general tank ORP.
My Hydros controller shuts off the generator if the Skimmer is off, or if the ORP is above a limit I set. I also measure pH because the ozone system can make nitric acid and dump it into your tank.
My ORP was in the 100’s a few months ago, but has steadily gone up. My PH was consistently under 8 as well, but I moved the skimmer air intake to feed from my basement.