oservation on FW and Monti eating Nudi's


New member
I would just like to share some info on my situation with these varmints. I had or still have both FW and monti eating Nudi's but.
I have not seen any of these critters since I added a six line wrass.

This is my expreience. The FW were destorying my nanas and the monti eating nudi's were just making me sick.

I notice all varmints after my manderian disapeared, had her for 2yrs. Added some sally light foots and some emarlds and she was gone. Then the trouble started with the nanas and the nudi's. Could be coincidence but I think not. So I put another manderian in. She to also disappeared.

So now I was doing manual removal. No mater what I did, blasted them with a truckey baster, dip the corals in Tropic Marine Pro Cure, they would always re-appear. Thats when I added a six line wrass. To this day 2 mos latter I have not seen a nudi or FW.

Growth and recover is awsome on both Nanas and Monti's The six line is always scoping out the monti's and nana's. I personally have not seen the six line eat any of these varmints. I just know that I my corals are doing great. If they are not completely gone, they are in check.

this is just my observation.
IMO there are some mandatory fish and inverts almost every single system needs in order to keep thinks in balance.
My 6-line finished off red flatworms in my Nano tank. I wish rge little guy would devour redbugs.....Jim Z.
My sixline took care of the red flatworms that were starting to populate my tank, he always has an eye out for something, so hopefully if the nasty ones every get in my tank it will be short lived. I also have a yellow coris wrasse and plan on adding a christmas and some fairies also. Can't be too safe...
ok, one of my nana's was starting to show signs of AEFW again. I took it out and did a dip only one fell off. I put it back into my tank and went over to abserve it 15mins later. I notice that a FW was about to peel off just then the six line came over and engulfed it. I can now say that I have witness my six line eating AEFW.

This hobby is getting more and more advanced. We are able to keep our SPS alive a long time. Issues hobbyist never had to deal with before. We just need to keep finding natural predators for these critters.

Still no signs of nudi's
I just bought a sixline last weekend. While aclimating it I wanted to see if it would feed. It took the mysis no problem. Then I put a red flat worm in the bag..it gulped it up then spit it back out. Nexted I mixed a couple flat worms with the mysis...he kept gulping them and spitting them back out untill the flat worm seperated from the mysis and then just ate the mysis...