Osmolator extension?


Premium Member
Hey Roger,
I was wondering if there is any way to extend the cables from the sensors to the control box.
Where I want my top off reservoir is further than the cables can reach.
Yes, you can just use 16 gauge speaker wire and they sell those connectors at Radio Shack as European Junction Blocks and you just break off the number of terminals you need. The pump can only pump against 9-10ft of head so keep that in mind, I wouldn't have it go up more than 5-6 ft and over more than 10-12.

I am looking at routing my osmolator to my RO container in a different room in the house. I am looking at about 6ft of head and 20ft of length. Can I accomplish this with a different pump or perhaps by just using a bigger diameter hose?

You woulde likely need the switched socket outlet and a larger pump of your choice, like a small Iwaki. Personally I would just fill a smaller reservoir under the tank, this adds a fourth safety element in that even if every safety fails only a limited volume of water could be pumped into the tank.
How would one go about using a 3rd party pump with the osmolator?

My reservior is in my garage, and I need to run the fill line about 30 feet. 6 feet up, and the rest is all horizontal and down...
We make a switched socket that uses the 9V from the osmolator to throw a relay on a 115V socket and then you can use any pump with a draw under 150W, I would look for a pump using under 100w figuring that start up draw is higher. A small Iwaki pump might perfectly fit the bill.
Ok, after visiting Marine Depot, and seeing that they dont' carry the extra plug thing.

Do you guys make a kit without the little tiny pump, since i won't be using it anyway?
No. The pump is not much of the cost anyway and you will be able to sell it if you don't want it. Just call and request it, they can do it.
Just ordered the Osmolator from MarineDepot.com.

However, they do not carry the Switched Socket Outlet (3150.11). (I called and asked).

Where can I get one?
Marine Depot should be able to order it in for you, just ask them, if not Premium Aquatics or Champion. I only sell direct on spare parts so I just can't help you on this but they can do it if you ask.
Just called MarineDepot back and special ordered it. (Why didn't I think of that in the first place? :) )

Thanks for all your help!