Joel A
New member
So i bought a used Tunze Osmolator here on the reefcentral forums a little while back... it was the older style with the mounting bracket and not the magnet... i thought the magnet was an easier and more well thought out set-up, so i purchased the magnet from permiumaquatics and set up the unit today.
I ran into an issue while setting it up right away, one of the wire contacts that connects to the provided pump and been pulled out.. took me a while to find a small enough screw driver to unscrew, re-insert, and then screw back down the wire contact, but i was able to achieve it.
Then i had another issue.. with the pump itself this time... it would run for about 2 seconds, then stop, and the controller unit would start flasing it's lights like some sort of error code... it would correct itself, start again, run for two seconds, and the stop working again.. it kept on repeating itself, then eventually the pump just stopped turning on all together. I pulled it out of the top off tank.. and played with it a little bit.. got it to start running, but it wasn't running right.. very loud, very whiney, and not actually moving any water..
so i guess my question is what do i do to fix this.. do i need a new pump, or is it a problem with the wire contacts that i described earlier?
I ran into an issue while setting it up right away, one of the wire contacts that connects to the provided pump and been pulled out.. took me a while to find a small enough screw driver to unscrew, re-insert, and then screw back down the wire contact, but i was able to achieve it.
Then i had another issue.. with the pump itself this time... it would run for about 2 seconds, then stop, and the controller unit would start flasing it's lights like some sort of error code... it would correct itself, start again, run for two seconds, and the stop working again.. it kept on repeating itself, then eventually the pump just stopped turning on all together. I pulled it out of the top off tank.. and played with it a little bit.. got it to start running, but it wasn't running right.. very loud, very whiney, and not actually moving any water..
so i guess my question is what do i do to fix this.. do i need a new pump, or is it a problem with the wire contacts that i described earlier?