osmolator not activating when water level falls


New member
My osmolator has stopped sensing the water level drop and activating to refill my tank. In order to make it work, I have to unplug the controller and plug it back in. It then recognizes the low water level and begins to fill the tank. I've cleaned the sensor in hopes that would do the trick but the problem continues. It's not even a year old. What could be the problem?
Do the LED's properly indicate that the water level is low and the pump should be on, but the pump just doesn't come on? If so this is a fairly simple problem but the controller need to come in for repair. Basically the wiring or connector has oxidized and the pump is drawing more current as a result and tripping an internal breaker. Because the breaker is a thermal fuse, it will work briefly after power is disconnected and then heat up and break contact.
The light is just green and does not change until the pump is disconnected and reconnected. Then, the orange light comes on to indicate a low water level and the pump begins to run until the correct level is achieved. The light then turns green to indicate proper water level. The Too Low light never comes on.

Where do I send it in for repair if that is what's needed?

Thank you.
OK, probably the capacitor for the optic sensor has failed so the sensor doesn't have enough power.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Just send it in with a note with your return address.