Osmolator not plugged in but is drawing water from my tank


New member
In the process of setting up a new Osmolator on my 46Gal bowfront. I have the pump in the white tunze bucket which is empty. Power supply is not hooked up to controlerr so there is no electricity to the pump. The black tubing to supply topoff water is in the tank around 5 inches from the top. Sensor are on magenet but not in tank

When I checked the tank this moring, there was about a gallon of water in the white reservior bucket?

How can this happen? Anyone else have this problem?

If the hose is touching the surface of the water in the tank it is just siphoning water back. Just the expansion and contraction of the air in the tube due to temp changes can create enough suction to start a siphon. Otherwise someone had to put the water in there. Be sure the hose is not touching the waters surface.
The hose was submerged at least 4 inches underwater and attached to the back of tank with magnet. I know for sure that someone didn't fill up top off bucket.
That is the problem then, the tube should never be submerged in the tank, it has to be above the tank. It should end above the surface of the water. The tube likely cooled, this created suction and started a siphon.