Osmolator or Osmolator Universal?


New member
Im setting up my 54 corner bowfront and want to install your auto topoff system and calcium dispenser. I have no sump so the sensor has to be in tank. What is the difference between the Osmolator Universal and the Osmolator with the skimmer box? Or do they both have the skimmer box? Marine Depot only shows the Osmolator Universal on their web site. Im not sure what to order.
Thanks for your help
To run your aquarium filled you will need the Osmomat with skimmer box. If you are OK with a water level 2" from the top you can use the Osmolator. The water cascades through the overflow box and this magnifies surface changes making the unit more sensitive. You will need the accesory holder 3000.244 for attachment to your aquarium.
Could you direct me to where I can buy the Osomat and skimmer box, or do I have to special order them. Cant find anyone that lists the Osomat or skimmer box. Does the dosing system hook up directly to the Osomat?
Just call MD or Premium or Champion and ask for items 5024.000 and 3000.244. They can order them for you.