OT: Any electronics stores in the area?


Active member
Hey guys,

I am trying to get some of the remaining block connectors and materials for my DIY hybrid light, but I can't find any of the parts at Home Depot or Lowes and need a good electronics store near me.

Do you guys know of any good local store?
Checkout radio shack if there is any near you, I know there is one 5 minutes from me. What size do you need?
LOL sorry, but I have lost all faith in Radio Shack. I'll still give them a try just in case they want to make a liar out of me.

I am looking for a 4 port smt connector like the ones below.
Most Radioshacks are closed now..I would also like to know of any electronics stores nearby. Most of the time I can only get stuff from ordering online.
I just got back from what I can only describe as "The shell of once used to be Radio Shack". Sprint purchased most of the stores and have now taken 90% of the store with cell phone stuff.

I asked one of the employees about SMT connector blocks and he looked at me as if I had just asked him for the square root of 54.

In other words, he had no idea what I had just said.

It is sad, because when I was growing up, they were the best place to go when you had any electronics need.

Regardless, if anyone here knows any local place that could help with this type of need, I would appreciate the shared knowledge.
I know radio shack used to be a great store to go to.
They do carry an assortment of items that if needed right away is great, however it seems that their prices are always sky high. If i need a case for an electronic i can always count on it being retail high. I feel if they could bring the prices down like the general dollar store has done with their items than they could make a go. It saddens me because when i was a kid i loved going into radio shack. Now i just go if its an emergency. Off my soap box LOL :bounce3:
Thank you for the recommendations guys. I will stop by Grainger at some point this week and if that doesn't pay dividends, I will try the others. I certainly miss the one place in Hillsborough that was called Fredrick's Electronics. They had everything and knew their stuff, but went out of business.

Thanks again for your help!
Update: I just got home after a trip to Grainger in Brandon and Pinellas Electric Supply. All I have to say is. Oy vey... Nobody knows what these connectors are or where I may be able to get them locally. At least the guy at the Grainger counter was honest and didn't even bother to recommend Radio Shack because, and I quote, "They are worthless these days".

So after all the trips, calls and visits to different stores that "May have these", I am giving up on local stores when it comes to electronics. I wonder if they are all going out of business because they don't have crap or if this is a side effect of the good ones going out of business because of the internet.

I'm beginning to think my dad was right when he told me that progress is not always a good thing... food for thought...

Either way, I'm going to try and find these things online and see if I can land the right connector without being able to test fit it first.

Thank you all for all your help and I'll share any good news, if I happen to stumble upon any.
It's a long hike but Skycraft in Orlando is pretty great. Dont know if they have everything but they've always had what I needed at the time.