OT removing lyrics from a song


New member
anyone know how or know a programm that will . The future wife has a song she wants to play for the walk down that we need to remove the words from . Tool eulogy
Maybe try a search for removing lyrics for karaoke singing or something along those lines. There's probably a free, shareware or trial version.
clean version? what do you mean?

He want's no vocals, so I don't see how it could be dirty......also I think Eulogy is a pretty clean song.
I have heard of these web sites http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/tutorial...from_a_song.htm or try goldwave.com but I'm stickin to my guns even professionals with thousand dollar equipment can't do it. I have my own recording equipmnet and I can't do it . The problem is that unless you have the original dub plate with all the tracks unmixed your never gonna get it to sound right. Did you try to find an instrumental?
It depends on how they lay the tracks and mix it.

Most of the time you can't do it unless you have the master copy. With the seperate tracks.

But there device that you buy for playing guitar along with songs that can cut out the drums, vocals, bass and what not, so Maybe give Guitar Center a call. Call their proaudio department and see if they can do it for you, usually they are geeks and love to do somehting else other than ring people out. I would call the one on Watson in Crestwood.

I did check all the karoke site and nothing for this song

But thanks for the help my friend .
I knew I could count on you guys to help
you can also buy a cheap 4-track recorder, record a section of the song without lyrics, then run that on a continuous loop