OT: Where to buy 7" pvc?


New member
I want to change out my single 4" filter sock with a 7" sock instead. It would help me out by not clogging every other day.

With my 4" sock I made a holder for it out of 4" pvc about 1' tall. Now my plans for the 7" sock is to get a 7" peice of pvc about 1' tall.


well... i could be wrong but i dont think they make it in odd numbers above 4" so you could do 8 and then put something ontop of it like acrylic and cut a 7 inch hole in that

maybe try melrose..... next to exotic aquatic
look in the yellow pages for irrigation companies, i know of a few down here where you can prolly get large pvc but none in broward
I think the name of the place next to Exotic Aquatic on Oakland Park Blvd. is Melrose. I was in there a few weeks ago looking for some large pvc but you have to buy a long whole piece of it. Check them out.

Matt if 8" PVC will work,I can keep my eyes open on the construction sites.6"& 8"are standard,never seen 7",but not to say it isn't around.I have some 6" pipe in the work truck(I use it to keep the plans rolled up)you are more than welcome to try it,but the only possible problem is it is green PVC(used for sanitary plumbing) & I'm not sure if it would leach anything into the tank over time.If not I'll just keep an eye out for some white & shoot you a PM if I find any.
Matt - I'm just wondering if the problem is because of the sock holder that you made in the first place. You say you are using 4" socks and made a holder with 4" PVC. IF the sock sits inside the PVC then I would imagine that water only comes out the bottom of the sock (opening of the PVC) and not really utilizing the entire sock surface. This could be why it clogs every other day. Going with a bigger sock and bigger PVC will keep it from clogging as quickly but still the same problem. Maybe you need to redesign your holder.
If you happen to be driving and see the water dept. working on a main ask them if they have a scrap piece. Throw'em a few bucks for a six pack and it's all good.
Thanks for the help guys. I am still on the lookout for the pvc and am going to call a few more places tomorrow.

This is how I designed the pvc so water would still flow out the bottom and not splash or create to much turbulence in the sump area.


The 4" filter socks I use are low micron so thats why it clogs so fast.

Thanks again for the help
