Our 500 gal reef

Wow, really nice!!! Beautiful health.
I'd also LOVE to see the after shots...come to think of it I'd love to see the whole darn set up..
WHERE DA PICS- you might have created a (another) monster!
Sweet tank....great job!

Curious if you have external overflows, hard to tell for sure in the FTS.

I am ordering a similar sized tank (96 x 36 x 30) and would appreciate reading more about your set-up.

Wow, that is certainly one of the most impressive tanks I've seen, with amazing growth.

I'm interested in the Tunze setup you have in the corners. It almost looks like there are two, but I only can see one holder.
McD57, external overflows with about 4' to back wall. I can walk around tank, and the lights slide back so I can get into tank if needed. Although I have not been standing in the tank since I put the rock in. Some of the rocks weight about 75#. If it were me I'd go with 96 x 36 x 36 the extra height really helps with the look of the reef.

Roklem, now there are (3) 6201 on each side. Each has it's own holder I use the sure grip holders. But because the acrylic is 1" I also use a great white magnet cleaner with each. Large on outside small with mount on inside. Only problem is cost 155.00 for each set. If my math is correct that's 465.00 for the holders on them pumps...

This weekend I'll try to get some new topdown shots..

Happy Reefing
Here are some top down shots I need a little work








That Giga is beautiful, how big is it? And what type of flowerpot is that? I've always wanted one but I've heard the livespan in a tank is less than 6 months so what's the secret?

Great looking tank BTW.
I think about 6 algae clips are in the rock work. Those damn Tangs tear them up, our blue is about 10" now...