H20 - Thats a good idea.
Radical - 4 woo..Congrats..
azamarine - Thanks for the link. I saw them and they are apricey but cool I decided to wait untill I can get 1' penductors. I am going to run one of the 4 OM ports to blow from the botom up. In my old tanks my rocks always had a lot of poop. I have 4locline 1/2 nozzels to shoot from the bottom. now I am contemplating on doing 2 of the om ports for this and have the other 2 a tthe top and get 2 vortechs down the line. i think I will just do the one with 2 1/2 on 1 side of the tank and 2 1/2 on hte other side and keep the other 3 om ports up top.
Brandon - They are pricey but they look real nice. Dudester has them on his tank. I could have made my own penductor but I really want things to look clean in the tank. then on the other side the penductors are big too..
Not much to update on the tank. I was pretty bust with work so I could slow down fo rthe Holidays and the Birth of my new son. he finally came a little early.
Alittle about my progress or lack of progress,, Enjoying my sleepless nights with my little one.
I did get a used Calcium reactor but it was cracked in shipping.I can glue it but will see what happens with UPS.I am going to get the equipment and my 75 fuge set up 1 day..
Here is my ro unit from marc 100 gal a day for a good price.
Taped of my heater intake
I did put the rest of the reinforcements in the tank stand.
Some sand for my fuge. The black sand is cool. I mixed with 200 lbs play sand. Still might get another 50 or 100 of the play sand.
My overflow covers were loud when I put them on. I had to cut some extra groves. They came with the tank from Glass Cages.
My next task are finishing the plumbng in the tank, lighting, fuge and reactors, then put some more rock with a little aquascaping and I might be ready for corals in a couple months.
Oh yeah I finally picked up some base board to finish the room. Hopefully this weekend Imight get 1 thing done in between diapers. HAahaha