Our new site is up and running


New member
Guys, I guess the cat is out of the bag. Thanks Rick :mixed:

WWW.PBMAS.ORG is the site address.. Go check it out and sign in. Please be patient about it because it has not even 90% of the content we have planned for it. We are adding a bunch of links, articles, etc. over the next few weeks.

Guy, I am glad to see several of you ahve already become members of the PBMAS site. I want to encourage you to become very active there as it is our site really. Members have been generous enough to pay their dues and that money has been used, among other things, to get that site up and running. It is your site afterall.

Although the RC forum has been very good to us over the first few months, I want to encourage you to psot in the PBMAS site instead. It keeps things more local plus you get to see what is going on locally that you might never know otherwise from jsut looking here in RC.

Over the next week or two, the PBMAS site will go a lot of changes aas we add many features and fine tune some of the things that re already there

Enjoy............................:D :D
That would be Tim, the master od destruction, D. The guy that posted before you above LOL.............
I suggest that you go to the www.pbmas.org site and register. Then, start your posts there and not here. It will give the site some needed live. RC already has plenty of people.......................
I already registered baby (thats my bootsy talk. You have to drag the a)

I will post a thread on my new tank this weekend ( or so).

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Is there anyway to make this thread a sticky on top of our forum on RC so that new people will know to check out the site rather than them thinking that we are a dead club??
As of yesterday (when I spent an hour waiting on hold), they were experiencing problems with a fileserver. I'm guessing they're having problems still. I have two open tickets that haven't been responded to yet.

Sorry for the inconvenience, folks.
Hey guys. I have been interested in joining the club. I registered and sent an email to customer support about the next meeting, but no repsonse. I assume it was due to the recent changes to the site. When and where will the next meeting be?