Outside reef

Hello friends, greatings from Portugal.

A friend of my told me about this topic, said that i could give my contribut to the community.

I have a 750 litres outside reef powered by the sun and the moon with 1,5 months old, all is doing fine, the corals love the natural sunlight... it´s amazing the size of the polips during the day.

I'm still doing some work, but the worst part is long gone.

The bigest problem is the temperature control, the heat of the day and the cold of the night are a big "energetic" problem $$$$$, but all those problems are solved, in a few hours i'll put some photos and the setup.

PS - Sorry about my bad english.

Best Regards

Vitor Pestana
Welcome to ReefCentral Vitor,
usually theres a big banner, but I forgot where to get it.

You forgot something though....


Your english is better then some americans'.