Overflow box for a 300g


New member
I'm in the process of designing my new tank (~300gallon, 96Lx24Wx30H or 96Lx30Wx24H). I'm waffling on what to do about my overflow and it's stressing me out. I plan to order the tank from CustomAquariums.com and have been working with their sales person. They have been trying to push their H2Overflow system, but I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea.

Unfortunately they won't build an overflow box in-house for the tank, their only option is to get H2Overflows or they will drill holes to my specifications and I figure out the overflow box on my end. I even asked if I provided the overflow box would they install, the answer is no. Not that I don't think I can do it, I'd just prefer it to be done by someone that does this daily...

So if I choose not to go with the H2Overflows the way I see it there are 4 options and my fears for each:

1) Internal - 3 sided box that needs to be siliconed in place. I'd have to silicon the box into place with no prior experience. I'm afraid I would place it badly and have my water level be too high/low. Silicon works well for glass, but less so for the acrylic box, will this eventually leak? Where do I need to have the manufacturer drill the holes (mainly the vertical distance from the top).

2) Internal - 4 sided box that is mounted via bulkheads. This option seems safer to me as far as I wouldn't be permanently siliconing the box into place. I could remove the bulkheads/box if the water level wasn't where I wanted it. Using this option is there a higher chance I might end up with a leak in the bulkheads since they are also doing the job of holding the box in place? Would I have worries of causing a leak if I bump the overflow box?

3) Internal/External - Ghost Overflow type system. The pre-made boxes from ReefSavvy and SynergyReef are a bit smaller than I'd like on a 300gallon tank. And it looks like there is a wait time to even get one. There are some on Ebay that I might consider (modularmarine). If I went this route I'd be worried about where I'm having them drill the holes again. The price of these type of boxes is considerably higher, so buying one and finding out the water level is off will be costly to get another one.

4) Internal coast to coast. I know a lot of people will push this one, but to me it's the scariest option unless I found someone that would be willing to come to my place to help set it up lol. I'd much rather go with one of the other options if possible.

Any thoughts on the above options that might calm my nerves? :dance:
Personally.... if they can't put a proper overflow box in there I would get the tank elsewhere

No reason they shouldn't be able to do a overflow box - Their H2Overflows are a cool idea but there is no way I would ever trust it, to me it would be to easy to clog up with algae restricting flow thus water on the floor

a self standing 4 sided overflow takes up to much room thus I wouldn't go that direction

Either a 3 side overflow or even a 1 side in a corner is what I would do or the coast to coast style
Order my a custom tank==installed coast to coast drilled for an internal only beanAnimal for me.
I am not opposed to looking at other tank manufacturers, but the price difference is quite large on the quotes I've gotten elsewhere. The quality of the tanks I've seen from Custom Aquariums is good too, so it's hard to justify the price difference...