overflow pics for al and all


New member
reference for thread titled sump help






my take ... in your 4th pic, the overflow tube looks awfully short ... if you can lengthen the hose you'll stand a much better chance of NOT losing siphon on the tube/hose. that thing should go almost all the way to the bottom of the box.
I agree. FIrst the hose is not the original and is too short. Home depot / lowes will have a longer piece. If all the air is out of that tube and it is long enough it will not loose suction.
I see a DIY U-tube. I agree with Al. a little longer tube to make sure both ends stay submerged when the pump stops is mandatory. also no leaks in the outside chamber the tube goes into, so it dont drain down below the tube. since the drain fitting is flush with the bottom in the overflow section to the right.

that baffle is there to keep the tube from burping air.