Overflow/Return Design: Help me decide!


New member
Okay, here's my situation: I've just placed an order for a new starphire tank from AGE (60X26X24) and I'm still trying to decide how I want to set up my return.
I'm having an external overflow made and I'd like to incorporate at least one wavy sea or ocean's motion on the return to give a little additional random flow action.
My inital idea was to have two holes drilled in the eurobracing so that I could have either two wavy seas or two returns on an oceans motion. In this situation I would have two 1.5" drains in the external overflow.
But, now I'm thinking that my return pump won't be able to power two oceans motions at the same time for it to be worth it.
So, I'm thinking I might just do one wavyseas. If I do, I thought I could just have 1 single hole drilled in the eurobracing for a return from above. If I do that, I can't decide how many/what size holes to have drilled for drains in the external overflow?
I expect to have no more than 1000gph returning from the sump, so will a single 1.5" drain suffice, or should I have two 1.5" drains?
Or, should I just have a nice clean, simple return through the overflow teeth and skip the wavysea's altogether?
I like the clean look of a simple return through the overflow and it would save me from having any plumbing over the top of the tank.
But, I don't know if I would be missing out on that added bit of random flow patterns from a wavysea.
I plan on using vortech's for the rest of the flow in the tank. Will a single wavy sea even be worth it? Or, should I just stick with a simple return through the overflow and depend on the vortech's for all the random flow patterns?

Please help me decide! I want to finalize this order so it can get started in production! Thanks:)