overflow too loud


I just got done plumbing up my 120 and its my first time having a sump. I tried to make a Durso standpipe thing but dont know if I did it right. My drains go under the water in the sump and keep on bubbling and making tons of noise. If I plug the little hole I drilled on the cap of the Durso, its gets real quiet, but then it starts a siphon and when the water runs out in the overflow box, it starts sucking air and is even louder. I am thinking I drilled to big of a hole in the cap, but dont know if there are any other things I can do. The water hits some elbows and 45's before it goes into the sump so its not just free falling in there. I read tons of articles on this stuff, but still dont really know what to do.
I am not too sure myself. I was always told to start out with as small of a hole as you could and slowly make it bigger till it was quite. I setup mine to be like a Durso you can check it out when you come by tonight.
I kind of worded the title wrong. My overflows are quiet, its my sump that is loud. The drains going in are bubbling and gurgling. So air must still be stuck in the pipe and releasing under the water in my sump. I read some things online of either doing a reverse durso in the sump, or having it hit a T thats halfway under the water so the air can escape. I will try these tonight and let you guys know what works. If you have any other ideas I can try, let me know. Thanks.
I got an elbow going into the sump also. It seems like air is getting caught in the drain pipe and exiting up in the sump under water causing the bubbles. I wont get home till around 6 today Grizz, thanks though.
What you need to do is vent the water as it enters the sump, this is one of the most common problems in plumbing aquariums. All you gotta do is instead of putting a 90 degree elbow down into the sump from your drain line, use a T so that the air can escape out the side of the T facing up (above water line) and you won't get any burping.
I actually get burping like that too. Not too often though. Seems like it takes a few hours for the air to build up to the point where it burbs sometimes.
i had a similar problem, my durso hole were too large, i siliconed them shut and re drilled a smaller one, worked like charm. instead of putting a tee below the tank before water u could alos just drill the pipe above the water line. this may be easier and also should work the same.
I put the T's in the drains last night and it did quiet it down a bit, but I can still hear water running into the sump. When I dial down my return pump its gets quiet, but I would like to run it at full speed. Its an Ehiem 1262 and I have two 1" drains so I dont think its to much flow. I think your right Joe and having the holes to big in the caps. I am going to put smaller holes and see if thats the problem.
the burping problem is really common if your outlet is submerged, as that causes air pressure to build up inside of the pipe. the burps get worse as the outlet gets farther submerged in the sump.

i took a different approach -- i cut holes into the side of the piece of vertical PVC pipe that goes into the water, with exit holes above and below the waterline, so that the air and water could be released from the pipe whenever it was "convenient" for them.

another method is to put a T in the sump so that the vertical pipe draining water from the tank meets two horizontal pipes that are at the water level. these pipes need to have slits cut across them about halfway through, so that the air and water can escape. the nice thing about this method is that it also eliminates bubble formation in the sump. the downside is tht with a horizontal effluent, you don't have a lot of leeway for level changes in the pump. i like the slotted vertical pipe method better. hth.
Thanks Bob, I am going to try what you and Joe said about drilling holes in the pipe above the water line, hopefully that will help.
just in case my other post wasn't clear: lots of people are familiar with strainers/skimmer intakes that are made out of PVC pipe. essentially, you just do the same thing in the sump so it is working backwards to diffuse the flow.
I'm so white and nerdy that i've never even heard of Ridin' Dirty before. that Wierd Al video is funny, but its even more funny once you've seen the Chamillionairre video that Wierd Al based his parody on:


you know, i've always thought it was funny when some lame assed white guys would start using street slang to try to be cool. its so lame its insane.