Overriding My ReefLink to Control Devices?


Premium Member
Hi All,

My Ecotech Devices are controlled by my ReefLink. I want to perform regular maintenance on my aquarium, and when I do this I want the following to happen:

1. My Vectra L1 to increase from the programmed 60% speed, to 100% speed.
2. My Vortechs to increase from 30% speed to 70% speed
3. My Radion to turn on to some arbitrary preset value.

I can't figure out how to override the Vectra. I know how to temporarily override the Vortechs and Radion, but as soon as I switch from one device to the other, the last device reverts back to its preset schedule. Is what I am trying to do possible?

Thank you for your help!


I would recommend using the controllers on your VorTechs/Vectras to adjust their speed temporarily as they will revert back to their normal schedule after 1 hour. Additionally, you can do the same with your Radion by pressing the buttons.