
I can't speak to this product, but air is still free. :lmao:... Well for now anyway, I'm sure the govt. is looking for a way to tax it.

I don't see any benefit with this. Just because someone can build it doesn't mean we need it. Snake air.
I'm well aware of the importance of dissolved oxygen. My point is 99.9% of our tanks do not need any oxygen supplement. There's really only two major instances where dissolved oxygen becomes dangerously low and that is power failure resulting in a lack of flow (which can be solved by having a battery back up) and a bacterial bloom where the bacteria consumes too much oxygen (which can be solved with the use of a UV sterilizer). In my opinion it would be wiser to put that good money to a battery back up than towards an oxygen supplement product that likely won't provide any substantial benefit. if you feel the this product will enhance your tank, by all means buy it and share the experience. But I'd venture to guess 99.9% of the tanks around the world don't have this type of product simply because it's not needed. Thus my snake air comment.

Edit: I'll add that from what I gathered from the link it's nothing more than a hydrogen peroxide doser. Which some people dose hydrogen peroxide directly in their tank. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down extremely fast turning into oxygen. However, from the threads I've read in the reef chemistry forum dosing hydrogen peroxide still has many unknowns in terms of the possible ill effects it may have on our inhabitants.
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I already have a vortech battery backup. That is not my concern. I am searching for input on the product.
Nothing new, product from the early 80's with the occasional reappearance thanks to not very well-known vendors. Although the process does raise oxygen levels using the process claimed, the alleged benefits have always been exaggerated to almost miracle-like proportions. Just enough science or pseudoscience in the advertisement to get you thinking. Those I know who were convinced by the marketing hype in the end expressed regret in the purchase. Either their woes continued or no benefit could be observed despite the device's presence.
Thanks, ichthyman! That was exactly the type of input I was looking for :) anyone else have any experience with one of these?