Ozone question


New member
Using ozone

Would this be a benifit for use on my tank if I was having only LPS and soft corals and fish in this tank? I would think that the soft corals and lps corals would benifit more from the nutrients in the water. I use a remora skimmer and the tank looks beautiful. I am sumpless but run a magnum 350 strictly for carbon use and a 2 little fishes phosphate reactor with 2 little fishes brand phosphate remover.

Has anyone found a alternative to the expensive two little fishes brand phosphate remover? I know its not that expensive but if there is a just as good brand that is cheeper im down with that. Besides who wants to spend perfectly good beer money on phosphate remover.

Oh yea, Has anyone ever used one of these ozone units? Its rated at 300 units an hour.

alot of people use those, I dont, but you will need to get a ORP controller, I have heard that the Enaly units makes stereos hiss and whine, but like I said i haven't used one.