
Check back a couple months for Randy's article in Reefkeeping mag. Or if your lazy or a slow reader like me check out talkingreef.com check through there episodes link on the left for ozone.

From what I took from the episode was that just like other forms of filtration there are few situations where people really "need" it. As far as benefit that would depend on what you would consider a benefit. The system you would probably set up as a hobbyist would do little for water clarity in a chemical sense. Your animals aren't going to get all excited about super clear water or anything, however...

many of the hobbyist who install go crazy telling everyone there water is super clear and invisible. Supposedly it makes the water look clearer then you can imagine. Even if you think your water is easy to see through now ozone supposedly makes a world of difference.

There is a slight health risk some say using it. It is extremely minimal, just something to be aware of. I heard in class that that growing eggplant, I think it was, near an ozone generator can help you notice if there are leaks. You would smell something like the smell after a lighting storm anyway and know to be careful.

I'd start research with the reef chem god, Randy.
Well this topic alone takes up many chapters in several books that I have, so a brief post will not do it justice. Essentially Ozone is a chemical sterilizer that purifies water. Like other chemical filtration techniques (Ultraviolet, activated carbon), there is a fine line between enough to counteract negative things like polution or parasites and enough to kill all the good things in your tank, including your animals. The measurement used to control dosing of Ozone is Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). So if you were to start using Ozone on your tank, you should be prepared to accurately measure ORP, and this is not easy as you need a special meter and probe that can be a pain to calibrate. Typically Ozone is used in tanks with heavy bio-load (big fish, lots of carnivores, etc.) I would not go down the Ozone route unless I already exhausted the easier ways to keep my tank clean like good skimmer, regular water changes, good husbandry.