P3 Upgrade kit damaged in transit

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New member
So I prepaid 2+ months ago at progressivereef.com, patiently waited for each delay, then at my front door was a package today, I opened it to find the most cheaply/sloppily packaged PIII upgrade kit. The box was paper thin with a small amount of foam peanuts and it was packed inside a plastic mylar shipping bag. For the premium price we all pay for PIII products/upgrades and how you brag about your quality control and world class programming/design. WHY CANT YOU PACK THE PRODUCTS WITH SOME CARE!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!

Here is what i got and how it was packed....


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So I prepaid 2+ months ago at progressivereef.com, patiently waited for each delay, then at my front door was a package today, I opened it to find the most cheaply/sloppily packaged PIII upgrade kit. The box was paper thin with a small amount of foam peanuts and it was packed inside a plastic mylar shipping bag. For the premium price we all pay for PIII products/upgrades and how you brag about your quality control and world class programming/design. WHY CANT YOU PACK THE PRODUCTS WITH SOME CARE!!! WHY WHY WHY!!!

Here is what i got and how it was packed....



I had the exact same key break with my kit. I got mine last week, but just like you I was pretty dissapointed. I hope you contacted Aqua Digital per the email and were in communication with Michael as to the inspection and removal of the PCB. While I am not happy about the damage, Michael was working hard to assist me.

Although it has been stated that the plastic bag was too tight around the board, I found that my board seemed to have enough room to move if needed. What looked like the problem was exactly as you stated.....to thin of a box and too much stuff inside it with very little packing. Even the slightest bit of force on the box could have caused this.

I shipped the PCB back the very next morning to Aqua Digital, and was told that it would be a couple of weeks before I could see a replacement board. If I thought I was dissapointed when I first got the PCB, wait until the replacement arrives and it is damaged or even some of the other components arent working. Problem with the other components is that I cant test them until the new board arrives, so if I have any more problems that means I have to ship things back again and wait even longer for more replacements. There has been no indication of any of the other compenents failing due to shipping, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck with your upgrade. I am sure GHL/Aqua Digital will take care of you.
Please may I remind everyone the purpose of this forum, it is NOT for public hand baggings of manuafacturers or distributors, we are well aware of the issue, it has been overly posted about on reef Central by myself and GHL. If you are upset about anything you email us, that is the correct way to address any issue unless you are trying to create public negativity.

The issue as stated many times here was due to overly packed front boards please see here for reference


The shipments were advised by UPS as "safe" to ship and it is clear from the key that plankton shows relates very clearly to the photo above.

As said in a post above we are doing all we can to help everyone out as quick as possible, taking into account we have to get new boards from Germany over Christmas.

On a side note if your key peg does not fall out the key is not broken and when aligned into the front screen panel it will work as new.

I hope I do not see any further posts to this nature as I am doing all I can to address an error that no should not have happened but is being addressed as quickly as possible.

Happy New Year!
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