Pacific sun kore fifth ATO problem


New member
I have recently set up my optical sensor and solenoid for my kore fifth but i have a high water level alarm but i now also have an issue thats its not topping up the sump and sadly pacific sun are not being much help.
I've only had it set up a few days
Im sorry to hear that - but why you feel that our technical support don't want to help you?
As I checked on our system you were in contact with our service today and they replied to all your mails. There is any other mail not replied by them?
Our support asked you for serial number of your doser(you can send photo of back side sticker from doser) which will help them diagnose your issue (it could be problem with config - depending from doser version - V1 or V2 or optical sensor issue).
That information wasn't sent by you to our support and they need to get this information from you.
We take care about all our Customers and we understand how much important is after sale service so I need to say that I'm little surprised by your opinion.

Best regards