Pale SPS

Get your NPK levels to optimum level.
NO3 - 2.5ppm
PO4 - 0.03ppm
K - 420ppm

Then add vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids ( Your N and P can come from the AA )
All these will give you the colours and growth you are seeking from.

Providing you have the trace elements topped up.
Hope that helps. Cheers Kevin
Sorry should have said refractometer. Ya my solution is old. I am gonna order some today and see if thats the issue. Thanks for the info.
Let me know what happens when the new solution arrives. Hopefully it's as simple as that.
I struggled with the same issues when I took the sand out of my system, I put some back and now everything is coming back around. I know some people keep BB systems with great success but I have never had the hang of it, I've always been much more successful with a buffer of about 1/2" oothlic sand on the bottom of my tank.

I do syphon about half of it every 4 months or so to prevent too much buildup.
