Paly problems...


New member
So I've had these polyps for about 2.5 years now. I nursed them from nothing to quite a thriving colony. (I know they're nothing special, but they looked nice)


About 6-8 months ago the tank had some issues- got some hair algae, and lost most of my zoas. These paly's closed up. I recently dosed wtih Algaefix- no more algae! Problem is these palys have never opened since they originally closed. Pics below:



Things I've tried:
Fresh water dip
peroxide dip
Lower light, and more light
The colonies are seperated now- one under t5's in a 40B, the other under LED's in a frag tank.

Any suggestions?? Need some help, wanna bring these back.
They are very stressed out!
Maybe the Algaefix could have some to do with that too.
The fact that you've tried so many things could have some negative effect on them, depending how much or how often you've been trying to help them out.

They will take a while to come back to normal, if so. Sorry!

The only thing you can do for them now is to keep the system stable and with a good balanced chemistry. They are " goners" now, and you'll need to "nurse them from nothing" again. Don't move them around and so on...
Water changes and balanced chemistry at the same time could help you. The water changes would help to remove some of the Algaefix leftover from the system, just to make sure. You could use some carbon too if you wish or think it's needed. Chemipure is good.

Try to get to the same schedule you had before, once you know that works for them!!!
By that I mean: same light schedule/type, maintenance schedule, salinity, temp, etc..

Make sure you don't allow the algae to come back!!!
Avoid Algaefix, I would say. Avoid algae in the first place!!

Let's see what others will say...

Good luck!
Thanks for the help.

The thing of it is, the problem persisted for a minimum of 6 months before algaefix was ever used.

Other info: I have LPS and sps and all other corals have responded well to the algaefix.
No coral eating fish (angels etc)
Carbon and GFO run regularly
Water changes with RODI every 2-4 weeks with about 20%

I have only dipped them occasionally over the time frame mentioned. never really saw an improvement from the fresh or peroxide. Not sure if something like iodine or an anti fungal would be more appropriate??

Thanks for the help.

Are you sure the algae was what caused it?

That last picture looks like when bacterial infection occurs.
I had similar looking when polyps end up between rocks (low light).

You could also try a fast dip in Lugol's (2 drops per 8-10 oz of tank water / 30 seconds) and put the colony back in the tank to see what happens.
Then leave it alone...

If algae alone was the problem, not bacterial infection and no predation, they should come back slow.

Just keep the regular schedule...

What carbon you are using?
What food for the system?
Those could bring phosphates in excess.

You need to figure out why did you have the algae to bloom, so you can avoid from now on...

Remember: phosphates alone are often not the only guilty for algae problems...


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the palys did have a brown slime coating for a bit (looked like cyano)... I can't directly contribute decline to the algae. They other zoas were smothered out though.

Algae seems to have been a combination of 2-3 factors:
Bulbs, not enough CUC, and some low quality sand releasing nutrients.

Feeding is daily with NLS pellets, and every 2-3 days frozen.

Carbon is BRS- the medium level.
Hard to tell for sure, but by what you're saying there is no bacterial infection and the problem was the smoothing of the zoas by the cyano/algae.
After the last post:

I would get the best carbon. I use the Premium ROX 0.8 for my system.
It's doing a good job.
I also like the ChemiPure very much.
Use carbon only if it's necessary.

Please don't feed frozen so much. Reduce to once a week or less.
Investing on good quality dry foods would be a good idea.

Get the best bulbs. They basically cost almost the same anyway.
Avoid too many warmer bulbs.

Change your substrate during water changes. Slowly!!!!
Every month you could do a 10% removal and replacement at the same time.
If the system reacts against the exchange of the substrate wait longer between next exchange. Be very careful when removing/adding substrate (sand/coral crushed/aragonite).
I have CaribSea oolitic in my system and I like it.

Good luck!
