Paly's - Can they get Zoa Pox or are just Zoanthids affected by Zoanthid Pox?

that Fish Guy

Frag Swap Crusader!
Can Paly's get Zoa Pox or are just Zoanthids affected?

After all it is called Zoa Pox and not Paly Pox.

I have seen many pictures of Zoanthids with Zoa Pox but have never seen any Paly's with Zoa Pox.

Also, I personally have had some Zoanthids get Zoa Pox but never any of my Paly's.

But that is not to say that they are Immune to it.

That is why I ask.
I've never found a great definitive answer, but what I took away is that it isn't impossible, but it is uncommon.
my Palys, Protopalys, Neozoanthus, Gradis and other similar types were never affected by POX, most of the ones that usually got it were those Japanese Deepwaters which then affected other Zoo's.
my Palys, Protopalys, Neozoanthus, Gradis and other similar types were never affected by POX, most of the ones that usually got it were those Japanese Deepwaters which then affected other Zoo's.

I know about Palys, Protopalys, Gradis.

But I have never heard of Neozoanthus.

What are those?

What are some of the More Famous Names for Neozoanthus so I can familiarize myself with them.