palys growing way faster than zoanthids


Does anyone know if this is normal because the paly has grown 3 more stalks and my zoos have been in the tank just as long and havnt grown at all. Thanks for the help
Depending on the paly, some can grow incredibly fast and be invasive. Some zoas grow very slow so it can also be just one species growing normally versus a slow growing one. Got any pictures?
The uglier ones always grow faster! There are a lot of ideas out there on growth rate but each system is different.
I have some ugly palys that grow 2 full size heads a week just about, while most of my zoas will add one or two babies every once in a while. Cool palys, at least for me, grow even slower than my zoas, though.
The uglier ones always grow faster! There are a lot of ideas out there on growth rate but each system is different.


I had some dull brown zoas with greenish skirts that I swear were going to cover every solid surface of my old 120... until they all melted away over the course of a year. Luckily, my pretty orange ones (growling slowly) survived fine.