Palys not opening


Just another Reefer
I have had 5 grandis Palys for about 8 months now, they haven't spread but have gotten larger. But for the last couple of weeks they will stay closed for days at a time. All other coral is fine and growing rapidly. What could be causing this? I have a few Purple Death and Nuc Green Palys nearby, could they be creating some sort of chemical warfare?
What are your parameters? Are there any corals nearby? Could we have some pics please :p
It's hard to tell from the picture. So they've never been really happy from what you're saying? I'd try moving them to the bottom of the tank in a higher flow area to start. If they can't be moved at least give more flow.


They were thriving for a while. Not spreading, but growing. They have been near the bottom since I got them, I moved them up yesterday in a high light/high flow area. I hope this helps.

Is there any explanation for the shiny look?
They were thriving for a while. Not spreading, but growing. They have been near the bottom since I got them, I moved them up yesterday in a high light/high flow area. I hope this helps.

Is there any explanation for the shiny look?

Is it brown and shiny? Could be a fungus, Could be build up from not enough flow. It's hard to say.

I'm not sure what high light in your system means. What kind of lighting and how deep is your tank?
High light in my system would fry them.

I have 4x54w t5ho Tek light, there on a std 55g. The coral is about 8 - 10 from the light....

That would seem to be okay but............... If they are stress and or failing lower light seems to work better. Have you tried brushing the film off? Or use a turkey baster and see if you can remove the film.

Here are some good discussions on zoanthids not opening. The first link is about zoa fungus

Just a hypothesis but there appear to be several vermatid snails around the Palys, i wonder if maybe they are irratating them? Thoughts from those smarter than me? :)
Could be a number of things but since you say your parameters are in check and all other coral are doing great I would sway towards somekind of pest.
Vermatid snail
Spagetti worms

Check out under their pest desciptions and pictures. Also with lights out look at the the zoas with a red light, if they have a spiral like tiny egg sack it's nudi eggs meaning you have nudibranches. Sometimes nudi are hard to spot outside of that due to their colors blending in to the zoa.

If this is confusing, sorry. I'm typing this on my phone.
I do blast them every other day with a baster, I will try brush them gently. Thanks for all the info, I will read up some more and hopefully find a solution.

Should I dip them, if so in what?
I do blast them every other day with a baster, I will try brush them gently. Thanks for all the info, I will read up some more and hopefully find a solution.

Should I dip them, if so in what?

Try giving them a couple more days if possible before moving(dipping) them again. After reading the threads hopefully you'll be able to figure out your next course of action. It could be they're just irrated or it could be something else. Keep a close eye on them but don't fuss with them. Causing more stress will do more harm then good. Keep us updated.
