Palytoxin question.


Hello everyone, quick question...... I understand using eye protection and gloves when dipping, adding or fragging zoas/palys..... but once i add these guys to my tank , do I always need to wear gloves and eye wear from now on anytime i stick my hand in the tank for any reason? Let's say for maintenance purposes , feeding, spot feeding, scrubbing powerheads and heaters etc. First time owning zoas and I just want to make sure other people can get water on them by accident and not have to worry about a trip to the er
I only wear PPE when fragging or handling them directly. Over 40 years in the hobby and no issues so far (knock on wood).
Hello everyone, quick question...... I understand using eye protection and gloves when dipping, adding or fragging zoas/palys..... but once i add these guys to my tank , do I always need to wear gloves and eye wear from now on anytime i stick my hand in the tank for any reason? Let's say for maintenance purposes , feeding, spot feeding, scrubbing powerheads and heaters etc. First time owning zoas and I just want to make sure other people can get water on them by accident and not have to worry about a trip to the er
The correct answer is that you should always wear gloves. There are toxins and bacteria like vibrio and myco that can get into your body and cause serious issues.

The practical answer is no. Most people don’t wear gloves and they are perfectly fine. You should always wash your hands thoroughly after being in the tank and don’t put your hands in the tanks when you have open wounds.

Here is an article about Paly Toxins
Manta Systems