Palytoxin ways of entry?


Active member
What are the ways you can get poisoned by zoanthids? I just got a few pinks and greens. Scared that if I breathe my skimmer water drops by looking in the cup ill get Palytoxin poisoning. Can that happen?
Yes, that was what happend to a german reefer and his family. It was big in the media. However, he tried to free his rocks from a massive amount of green palys. After that, the aerosol produced by his skimmer sent him and his family to the hospital.

Other ways of poisoning I heard about: touching with a cut in your finger, zoanthid squirting the juice into your eye by fragging, dying colony (reason was broken heater overheating the tank) releasing toxin and harming the reefer trough the skimmer again
Oh almost forgot: boiling rock to get rid of zoanthids and breathing in the hot steam that contains palytoxin is very dangerous. Never boil your live rock! Caused several poisonings. Also killing zoanthids by drying the live rock in your house is a very bad idea. Again, the palytoxin can harm you if you breathe the air that contains the toxin. If you want to be safe: be very careful, be well informed or dont keep any zoanthids, especially not palys