parabolic reflector


Premium Member
Whick are better parabolic reflector.?
icecap= SLR T5 Retrofit Reflector
1 -- IceCap 48" Retrofit: 4-54W T5 HO Fluorescents
1 -- Sunlight Supply 48" Retrofit: 2-54W T5 HO Fluorescents

Just woundering if I should have all the same reflectors.or does it have a different.?
T5 Shopping)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7599203#post7599203 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
supposly they are both great reflectors, but, when in doubt by American ;D
Thanks Rogger........;)
Rogger I emailed Digital Aquatice about doing a group buy on Reefkeeper II................They said not at this time.....:(

From Digital Aquatice
Hey Guys,

Thanks for your interest in the RK2. However, at this time we are not able to offer a group buy for RC members. We have made a real effort to keep the overall cost of the RK2 down for everyone. By doing so, all our customers benefit from a lower price, including RC members!

Scott B.