ParanoidObseshn's 20L AIO


New member
This new build is to replace my other tanks. I currently have 2 tanks running, My 5.5g and a shallow 23g.

I was tired of the 5.5 being finicky and wanted to upgrade and at the same time I wanted to take down the 23g.

I also wanted something easy incase I end up moving in the next few months or something.

So I decided to make a 20L AIO and put all the corals from the 5.5g and the better ones from the 23g into this.

I made an internal overflow compartment that is 7 1/2 x 4 x 11 5/8 roughly. There are 2 compartments just like my 5.5 but bigger. The main area that takes up 5 inches of the width is the fuge compartment, and the other side houses the pump and heater.

In the last week I built the stand for it and built the overflow compartment. In the past few days I added sand, water, and some rock from the other tank.

Here are some pictures of what it currently looks like.



Top shot of the AIO compartment
Got things moved over. But have a lot of placing and glueing left to do as far as hammers/frogspawns/ candy canes/ zoas and whatnot. As well as looking into another light fixture.


Side Shot

I tried to create a whole bunch of passages on the left side of the tank for the fish. The right side of the tank was a little harder. There is a large rock on the bottom that would only work there. But the fish can swim underneath it as there are a lot of nooks, crannies, and whatnot on the underside of the rock. Probably going to mount a lot of zoas to it as the rock is fairly smooth and a good surface for that.
I bought 2 replacement bulbs for the fixture, an ATI Blue plus, and an ATI aquablue special. These bulbs are amazing! So much better than any previous bulbs I have used.

I have attached more corals to the rocks and moved things around, not completely done yet though.

I also I just got in my coral shipment I bought online the other day. I am currently acclimating them. I bought 3 items, got all blastomussa's, one was a red colony, a unique color combo colony, and a teal/black wellsi with green and purple merlettis attached to the same rock.

Here are pictures of 2 of the ones I bought, didnt get pictures of the others.

Well its tricky to get good pictures under the new bulbs. Have to work with the camera a little bit, or get a better one lol.

Here are the stock pictures from the website I bought them from. These pictures are spot on to what they look like in my tank.



Here is an updated FTS and side shot since I put the new bulbs in. Everything seems to be doing fine so far. The colors are looking a lot better under these bulbs.



Here is a picture of some of the newer corals


Here is a picture of the elegance I have in the side of my tank, gives you an idea of the actual size.
Just noticed that red macro algae on the red blasto. You may want to keep an eye on that stuff and not let it get onto your other rocks. The stuff is about impossible to get rid of manually or otherwise and it can get pretty invasive.
Updated shot

The other day I had to move some of the blastos around on the bottom right because the large blue with green blastos were overcrowding the red and purple colony and covered the one corner. When I was moving them I looked closely at the large blastos on the bottom right of the FTS and and I realized that the green streaks going to the center were now turning more towards orange.
