ParanoidObseshn's 20L AIO

Update. New coral and New FTS



looks good, alot of growth

did you gewt rid of some of your "sand dwelling" corals or did you loose some?
Thanks. The hammers and frogspawns seem to be doing real well. Had to break them off of the overflow and spread them out some more. I did lose a lot of the corals on the sand. A majority of the blastos I had just started dieing back. Not sure what caused it but things have been stable for a while. Looking for some other lps to add now.
Aussie Blastos that are receded and struggling (dead heads and receded)when taken from the wild rarely survive long term.These are some of the corals that should not be exported in even the very small numbers they are allowed to at the present IMO.These in particular grow slow in the wild and are finicky to impossible in small tanks or new set ups with low microbial life and weak plankton populations.They also come in with some very invasive macro algaes that can harm coral tissue as it progresses and can be close to impossible to eradicate.CITES now only allows a limited amount of these corals per trans ship due to these factors(and the dwindling numbers) so loosing them does not shock me.The captive grown lineage of Blastomusa wellsi has a much better survival rate and is usually free of the dead heads and invasive macro algaes.Trying some of the farmed blastos will serve you better if you intend on not replacing them as they perish over time.The caulastra and euphillia look great.

By the way ATI is a very nice bulb and is one of only two manufacturers of T5 that I would use and ATI is my first choice.Geisman being a close second
Thanks Dan, I agree with you on ATI. Once I put them in last year I noticed a big difference with the overall look of the tank. Overall great bulb. Just bought a new set as these bulbs are already over a year old.

I try to stay away from any blastos that have damaged or dead heads because any that I received in the past that had damage never really recovered no matter what I tried. I also have been looking around for captive grown blastos but with the crazy cost per head it kind of keeps me away.