ParanoidObseshun's 40Breeder


New member
I took down the 27 cube the day after the swap and setup a 40 breeder. Just got tired of how much of a pain it was to keep the cube clean, and the fact I had no room for what corals I had in there.

I used all my previous equipment that I had in the 27g but just switched out the small return pump with a mag5.

Also all the rock that you see in the tank now was also in the cube. No new rock was added.

Pictures so far. Still have to find permanent spots for the corals.


It's hard to believe all of that came from that 27g. I was just there and saw it and it didn't look like that much rock.
Haha someday. This is probably the max for the apartment. Next step after that might be a 65g, so I can still use this stand and still use my radion lol.

Some more pictures.

Flame hawk I picked up at the swap


Mini Scoly- You can see the size based on the zoanthids behind it.
Haha thanks but its just too soon for that.

For the past 2 weeks my goldish acan frag and mini scoly havent been inflating much at all. I think that the puffer might be lightly pecking at them as he moves around the tank so I decided to put those pieces in the sump for now to see if they will heal and inflate again.

Bought a frag pack from AquaSD this week. Bought 4 hammers and a torch. Got them today and they appear to be doing pretty well so far. Hard to get the exact colors on some.

The 2 in the front: Left is more yellowish while the right is a bright green

Another shade of green. Led fixture was going into night mode and it was under mostly blue leds.

Green with yellow tip torch. Sitting in the sump next to the acan and scoly. I have it down there because the tissue around the top of the skeleton looked ripped so I have it in low flow to see if it will heal up easier.

Thanks Kelvin!

Here are some updated Pictures.


Couple new euphyllia

Top Down- Cut the majority of that center birdsnest away and mounted several pieces in the same spot so it can continue to grow.
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Picked up some nice pieces from the swap yesterday.

Hammer on left and 3 frogspawns in the center

3 smaller hammers and green duncans
I really like the look of all the LPS corals. That's the direction I'm heading in with my 30 gallon.