It appears that a colony of mushrooms that I recently purchased a few weeks ago has some translucent 1-2mm ovalish bumps on them. Are these flatworms? or something that I should be concerned about? They are on a rock that I can pull out and dip if need be.
that sounds to me a lot like flatworms.. just experienced the same with some new blue discosomas.. if they are one that one rock you can be sure you need to treat the entire tank.. i used salifert flatworm exit, and it worked for me.. you just need a lot of active carbon (1 pound pr 50gallon)
treat as soon as possible.. you dont want them to spread
Yeah, I'm assuming flatworms. I dipped the coral in Tropic Marin Pro Coral Care. Is it pretty much a must that I should use Salifert Flatowrm Exit on the whole system? I have a 300gal DT plus sump and from the directions, it appears that there are some small risks. I could run carbon on 2 TLF Phosban reactors, assuming that's enough carbon?
i wouldnt dare not to treat the entire system.. those buggers spread like crazy, and become a real pest if nothing is done..
dont know about the amount of carbon, but since you dont have that many flatworms yet, i assume it would be sufficient.. you use the carbon to remove the toxic from the dead flatworms.. i didnt lose any coral or fish in my aquarium due to treatment.. it should be pretty safe..
some fish is said to eat the flatworms but you can never be sure thay actually will do..
i used air line tube and sucked as many out as i could. did this a few times. i done think they will kill anything unless there are so many that the light can reach the caral. i never seen them get that bad
do a little reading about them on wwm
if they are flatworms witch i dont think they are , cuz the ones ive had were red an crawled on my front glass..but if they are use flat worm exit.. double dose is what i did then a water change as directed by the directions.. but the recomended dose dident work for me , so i doubeled it.. hope that helps..
there are a tone of different flatworms and these are definitely a variety I have seen on mushroom colonies pretty regularly. They are a very big variety. When I flatworm exited these guys they required a triple dose to die. Not sure what caused the side affects on the system(wormdeath/treatment) but it did **** my leathers off. Other than that no real issues. They also seemed not to spread through the system at all. they run like crazy all over the shroom they inhabit but only leave it just before death. I would try treating just that rock for starters and observe for any symptoms of a spread before messing with the entire system. But everyone else is totally corect you can usually assume they are not isolated.
A six-line definitely won't tolerate any other wrasses, whether added first or last.
Anyways, I believe they are definitely flatworms. I am still in about the 3rd month of battle with my flatworms. I have tried many different medications including a double dose of flatworm exit and I still can't seem to get rid of them.
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