Parting ways with tank selling all livestock

tony varrell

New member
Breaking down my 300 and selling all livestock, pictures of corals and fish will be sent upon request. Price are all negotiable.

8" Emperor Angel $200
8" Scribbled $300
4" Joculator Angel $600
9-10" Vlamigii Tang $150
4.5" Red Sea Purple $90
8' Mag Foxface $75
4" Watanabei Female $75

10" Orange Setosa $200
10" Purple Stylo $200
4" ORA Multi Birdsnest $100
Large Tricolor Frag $45
6" Miami Hurricane Aussi Acan (over 100 heads) $300
12" Poker Stars Encrusting Monti (on large shelf rock) $200
5" Dual color shelfing Hammer Coral $60
5" Elegance w/ True Percula Host $100

300 lbs mixed fiji and tonga live rock $5 per pound

Once all live stock is gone tank and equipment will all be for sale. Please email me if interested