parts missing from bubble blaster 3000


New member
I just received my bubble blaster 3000 from you today. Thanks for the speedy shipping. Unfortunately there are no parts to hook up the air line to. Was I supposed to purchase something else? On the box it looks like it should have everything I need.
I received the parts from coral vue however niether one of the unions will work with my extreme 200. they are both the same size and too big. I was under the impression that this pump works with the octo extreme 200 with no mods. Am I correct? Am I still missing some parts? Please help.
I apologize that's not fitting right up. The BB pumps were never used on the Extreme bodies, always on the SRO's. The Ext's have always used the Sicce 2500's, and now the new Sicce Syncra pumps. You should be able to find some fittings that could help you adapt over though. You might have to get them online from a metric supplier, or maybe give Coralvue a call direct to see if they would have anything that could help.