Hello from Sacramento!!
I have been lurking on this website for a few years now and I currently have a 72 gal bowfront that I have had since 2005 and I am in the process of starting my new tank.
The current setup is shown below. I haven't decided if I am going to keep the 72 or break it down. One of the main reasons for breaking it down is having a pretty big electricity bill with both tanks up and running and I am a little concerned that it might suffer from lack of attention with the new one.
The 72 gallon main tank houses a number of fish including a Vlamingi tang, Foxface, a blue tang, purple tang, 2 clownfish (mated pair), a cardinal, mandarin, neon goby, goldenhead goby, tailspot blenny, and a hawaiian wrasse.
I do not have a great selection of corals in this tank as I was mainly trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, in getting my first tank up and running and learning some things about reef tanks. Now I am looking forward to having a larger tank and experimenting with different corals and fish in the new one.
I have been lurking on this website for a few years now and I currently have a 72 gal bowfront that I have had since 2005 and I am in the process of starting my new tank.
The current setup is shown below. I haven't decided if I am going to keep the 72 or break it down. One of the main reasons for breaking it down is having a pretty big electricity bill with both tanks up and running and I am a little concerned that it might suffer from lack of attention with the new one.
The 72 gallon main tank houses a number of fish including a Vlamingi tang, Foxface, a blue tang, purple tang, 2 clownfish (mated pair), a cardinal, mandarin, neon goby, goldenhead goby, tailspot blenny, and a hawaiian wrasse.
I do not have a great selection of corals in this tank as I was mainly trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, in getting my first tank up and running and learning some things about reef tanks. Now I am looking forward to having a larger tank and experimenting with different corals and fish in the new one.