Paul's 427 gal reef update..6 years

I'm so glad you gave us this update. I've always found your tank and the setting you have it in to be remarkably beautiful. Thx!

Everytime I hear the arguement about what LED's can not do I reference your tank. You have an awesome tank Paul!:thumbsup:

Thanks for the new vids.
Thanks. The only criticism I have with the LEDs is that they don't bring out the bright pink colors well. My hot pink stylo is definitely not hot pink. That is a small price to pay for the other advantages you get. Now that AI is coming out with an update with more colored LEDs, this problem should be fixed. Now I have to find a way to pay to upgrade my Sol Blues! No rush. I will probably do just a few of them over time.
Great looking reef.
I like the fact the overflow is hidden, very clean and neat, are you running a closed loop?

Thanks for sharing...