penductors from


I've skimmed through a couple of threads about penductors and still dont have a firm grasp of how they work. Also, what is the difference between a penductor and an eductor (in laments terms please, no hydrology talk)?

I was about to buy a retro fit lighting kit from and came across these on their homepage:

then i started my reserach... and im still a little clueless....

would this be beneficial if i connected it to the end of my return line (58 gal RR oceanic tank)
i'm only using a mag 7 for the return, would that be enough pressure at the outlet of the penductor to make it work efficiently? (mag 7 is rated at 500 gph at the head level i'll be at)

i also have the option of connecting it to the end of my sea swirl which i thought would be pretty cool... right now im pushing 500 gph through my 1/2" SW... if i throw this penductor on the end, will there be better flow patterns?

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advanced to everyone
well here is the flow chart. pressure eductor flow rates.pdf

the mag 7 has a shut off head of about 12-13 feet, so at 3 foot or 500 gph it's still putting out 10 foot of head. maybe only 8-9 when you add in the pipe and elbow loss. if that helps you place it on the chart. depends on what orifice size eductor you buy.

so it will increase your total flow in the tank but its atthe bottom end of the pressure scale. so maybe like 2 or 3 times. i think?

oh, when you add a sea swirl to that 500 gph line, the back pressure from it reduces your flow and pressure a lot.
Wow, i jus saw that chart in my fluid dynamics lab last year... shows how much i leanerd...

thanks for the input that... so i guess i'll jus stick with my normal CL, maybe down the road do tat setup with a pressure pump..
Wow, i jus saw that chart in my fluid dynamics lab last year... shows how much i leanerd...

thanks for the input that... so i guess i'll jus stick with my normal CL, maybe down the road do tat setup with a pressure pump..
Oh good.. Glad that made sense to you. Now maybe you can explain the chart to me. I'm a little rusty on my fluid dynamics. it's been 35 years since i cracked that book. I just get the big fuzzy picture these day.