Pepermint shrimp vs. Blasto


New member
I went to feed my fishes today and then watch my corals and saw a pepermint shrimp trying to dig food out of the Blasto's mouth. I thought, no problem cause he did it yesterday w/ the ricordea. After a few seconds, he left and went back to his hiding spot. A few minutes go by, he is out at it again and this time I saw him pulling something out (looks like the coral's tissue) and I stick my hand to to chase him away from the coral. Now the coral looks like it has a red openning in the mouth.

Is the coral going to be ok? Should I take the evil shrimp out? Or should I get some shrimp pellets for the pepermint?

it might not be okay.. my peppermint has killed a carnation coral and 2 BTAs in my tank... i cant get rid of him because he is part of my tanks family but he will be banished to the refugium when my new tank is setup...

you need to get that blasto to somewhere he can be bothered, keep water pristine and hope for the best...
I will probably give him one more chance, then I will have to put him in the fuge for the rest of his life! Or in my future FOWLR...if I don't change my mind and make that reef that is. :)

2 of of 3 i had got sent to the sump after they went on a killing spree with the corals in my tank... I will never trust those shrimp again.

Now if you ask what happened to the 3rd...well it got sentenced to death and got fed to a rock blenny.... those shrimp have to have to have the fear of god instilled in them !!!
Yarr I don't trust peppermint shrimp anymore because my old one ate a full head of my candycane coral before I finally caught him. As soon as he disappeared though, the aiptasia moved in.
Even since yesterday's incident, he's been behaving good. Maybe he know I stick my hand in for him. :) Anyways, crossing my fingers.

Thanks all!
Wow, im scared now too.

I have a tiny one in my 5.5 g tank. He better not mess around or he's getting thrown into my 47 fowlr, where he will get eaten rather quickly.