Peppermint shrimp for sale/trade.


New member
I made a homemade trap and now have a bunch of peppermint shrimp for sale/trade. Let me know if your interested. I have about 7 right now and by tomorrow might have 14.

$3 each, more you buy the cheaper it will be, or interested in trades.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11899056#post11899056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
I have hermit crabs if you are interested.

Thanks for the offer but I personally don't put hermits in my reef. They crawl all over my montiporas/LPS, snails are my friend. :)



Sale pending already for all of them, I have to catch them all first though.
Manny might want them, since I know you're supposed to meet up with him at some point (I thought). He might want them because he was talking about setting up a quarantine with nothing but peppermints and camel shrimp. All of those things that you don't want being around your corals...
Hey Matt,

I guess the trap worked for you he he he. I told you it would. Peppermints are easy to catch, fish on the other hand are a pain.
