Perculas in a 10 gallon


New member
Could you keep 2 tank raised perculas in a 10 gallon?

I have a 55 gallon that has a yellow tang, 3 green chromis, and a blue damsel in it. Do you think adding 2 percs to it would push the bio-load over the edge to still keep a reef? Mainly nitrates?

BTW, this 10 gallon has been cycling since Jan 30 and I am in no hurry to stock it.

If two percs are not an option, any other stocking suggestions?

(I post this in the reponsible reefkeeping forum because I know the 10 could support it, but if the clowns could take the small tank)
The only problem with ading two perc's in the 55 is the damsel, they can get quite territorial and aggressive towards new aditions. I would be worried about that the most.
IMO you could have 2 perc's in a ten gallon depending on the size of them, if they are big or when they grow it wouldnt be the best option.

If you have overstocking Nitrates wont pile up if you have a good sized skimmer that performs well, and do water changes on a normal basis. It would be more work. But depending on how overstocked you are is a differnt story.
I wouldnt keep them in a 10g it is very small and it will be very hard to keep everything at 0's. You could add them to the 55 but watch out for the damsel. I am somewhat overstocked in my 55 but I have 110+ lbs of LR and I never have any problems
To me, the damsel is the most passive fish in my tank. It hides near the rocks and digs holes. When I added it, the green chromis were bullying it.

On the 55 I have a backpak 2 r skimmer.
