Perks of dipping


I am a huge Zoa fan and have always had good luck with them. Recently I have seen a lot of people talking about dipping them. I have never really bought a big colony and always deal with frags. So this leads me to my questions. What are the perks of dipping new/already established coral? If I do dip what should I dip in?

Dips serve multiple purposes and each dip is different. The main benefits of dips is to knock off zoa predators which can come in on frags or wild caught colonies. Nobody wants to dip, but when you get nudis or a myriad of other hitchhikers then it becomes essential to do them. People who think their systems are pest free might not be aware that they do have pests or have something in their tank keeping them under control. Eggs however can sneak through and cause torment in your tank.

Dips can also help with the general health of a zoa and I have seen zoas that look bad come back from a nice dip. All sorts of things can harm zoas and dips cover that.

Dips that are commonly used and why:

Revive, coral RX (others that are similiar): General dips that are great for all new zoas. Will stun and knock off some hitch hikers but not all of them. Can also be used on zoas that don't look so hot
Lugols and other iodine dips: Good for freshly fragged zoas, helps in the healing process
Flat worm exit: Kills zoa eating nudis on contact, will not kill the eggs.
Fresh water dip: Also knocks off some hitch hikers and is generally used on new frags (don't use this method so if someone else wants to chime in feel free)
Hydrogen peroxide: Used to kill algae on zoas and can knock off hitch hikers. This can be very harsh on corals and can kill them if over dosed. Do some research first (again don't use this one so don't really know to much about it)
Furan II: Used to treat zoa pox and is also good with any bacterial problem that a zoa may be experiencing. I have used it on zoas without pox that just look bad and have had a great turn around with them (Be careful when handling the powder, this stuff is not good for you in large doses)
I am getting some new zoas today and wanted to freshwater dip them, so any unwanted creatures would hopefully come off. How is the best way I go about doing this? How long?
I dip in fresh RO water that is to temp with my other water. Dip for 5-10 seconds no more and be sure to shake the frag in the water to be sure any thing that is stuned doesn't stay on the frag. This works on pest and some eggs but doesn't work for bacterial issues like zoe pox. After that acclimate as needed and keep in strong flow area for a day.
Thanks. That is what I was looking for. I went out and bought some Reef RX today. I think I will use that instead. Seems better for the coral...Right?
I have had a few problems with parasites. And have always found rodi dip works well. I pull my zoas out and let them close before the dip. I have left colonies in freshwater for up to two minutes and they always open up the same day, even if they have been closed for a week. Usually I just watch and wait util the last of the hitch hiking pods dies in the freshwAter and use that as an indication that the majority of parasites are dead. I'm slowly learning my lesson about dipping and quarantining before adding to the main tank.